Back to the office - the new reality without an expiry date

Back to the office. A new normal
It doesn’t matter whether we are taking our first steps in business, or we have been sharks in our market for years. We all have many questions, most without clear answers. And neither business intuition, nor years of experience, nor the best analysis can give us the conviction of infallibility; they can’t provide us with the certainty we’re looking for.
So, are we helpless? Recent weeks have shown us that although we have all entered a period of great uncertainty, most of us have demonstrated greater decisiveness and speed than we knew possible. In just days, we have automated processes, switched to remote working, implemented new technologies, and, perhaps most impressively, adjusted to a new reality. Achieving all of these things has illuminated one thing of certainty: we will succeed.
How do we prepare?
We don’t know when our “new normal” will come. Authorities decide this. We can only make predictions at when we will get the green light, and how much time that will give us to prepare. preparations will be necessary, of course, because the office we left at the beginning of march doesn’t support the needs we face today. So, at once, we know that we have to make some changes and that we don’t know when we’ll get that green light to implement them. the uncertainty of tomorrow seems to force us to delay big investment decisions, narrowing our scale to a shorter term.
Who are “we”? We are all those who will drive these changes in the office. We are both employees and employers. We are office managers and hR managers. We are customers, guests, and future teammates. We all feel different emotions, and we all see different challenges, problems, and opportunities.
Employees alone have conflicting attitudes concerning what to do next. Some want to return to the office as soon as possible. others feel anxious about returning, considering all the changes we’re faced with. Some are totally open to possibilities. But all of us will have to transition when we make our return. Working from home has allowed us to develop new habits, becoming accustomed to silence or, perhaps, the opposite of silence, in cases where spouses and children are home, too. All of us have adjusted to a new routine free of commute and filled with more family or personal time. our work culture, philosophy, and habits have all shifted. According to a report from colliers International, Real-time Data to navigate the post-coVID-19 Workplace, as many as 70% of those who did not work from home before coVID-19 declare a new interest in doing so at least one day a week.
If you want to know more…
Download the full free version of the ebook HERE.